Friday, April 2, 2010

Charles Manson and the Beatles

It's 1969...and Charles Manson's family is on their way to a massacre...unfortunately they get lost. They intended to go kill Sharon Tate and others but instead wind up at a Beatles convention instead. A bunch of union jackasses and some analingualizing walrus fucks are standing around cardboard cut out of the Flab four circa 1965 listening to worn out 45's. Everyone is indulging in the favorite Beatle drink "delusion".

Suddenly there's a knock on the door...No alarm at this retro party where Beatle trading card, cum stained panties and other memorabilia are traded. Why it must be the lads, everyone says in unison....

OOPSSS....Wrong lads and Lassies.....what happens next is similar to frogs in a blender.....

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