Sunday, February 28, 2010

BEATLES- Origin of their name

I think we've all heard John Lennon talk about a man on a flaming pie or something and said Beetles with an A. I think this is just John's way of being of beat(ha!)ing around the bush.

Beatles most definitely came from the Bohemian culture the Beatles had become part of during their art school days and also through their travels.

Marlon Brando's the Wild One must have been quite popular for the Beatles and other young people living the bohemian lifestyle.As impressive as Brando was as an actor they would have also been impressed by Lee Marvin as well. Lee's biker gang just happened to be called "The Beetles".

Other characters from this era would have impressed the Beatles as well such as James Dean. A lifestyle was either emerging or being revealed.

I've been studying Bohemian Grove and bohemian ways for some time now. I mostly look at music. Take the French Chanson Begone Dull Care. It travels from France(origin of the Bohemian culture), goes to Scotland and then to the West Coast of the United States. Bohemian Grove out in California is full of French, Scottish and other symbolism. Why you have signs in French even. At the Cremation of Care ceremony they play the bagpipes and Begone Dull Care.

Begone Dull Care is also an avant garde animation made by a Scottish artist. This artist brilliantly scratched, painting, and drew on film frame by frame.

Begone Dull Care is the motto or state of mind of the Bohemian no matter where they are. The Beatles certainly became part of this group and no doubt helped them become very successful.

I'm not really sure what goes on at Bohemian Grove. Why I don't even think Alex Jones uncovered much. For all I know he's a member. I suppose there are bad people at the grove who do bad things in the real world but what's good and what's bad is hard to define. You can go to work everyday, pay your taxes and never cuss but does that make you a good person?  Why the less fortunate could use your job so they could have a piece of the flaming pie.

I think despite what I've speculated over the years about Bohemian Grove I've always been my own type of bohemian. I don't really want to work or toil away for someone. I prefer playing my guitar and singing under a shady tree, gardening, riding my bike, and playing with my dog.

Perhaps all people who become obsessed with music become bohemians?   It's really hard not to be. When you start to create you develop a sense of godliness. You are now creator. When someone comes along and instructs you how to lead your life you want nothing to do with their notion. They can take your body but not your soul you think. Your spirit is free. I think that's exactly what people like the Beatles were after. Some people are just not meant to fit into the rat race.

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