Sunday, February 28, 2010


On November 16th 2008 I completed a track called Carnival of Light. The track was my response to Paul McCartney lobbying the press to help him release the Beatles' Carnival of Light. In many ways it was a cry for help. You see the release of any new Beatle materials calls for a unanimous vote. Beatle Olivia, Beatle Yoko and Beatle Ringo all said no. So I released my version for countless reasons I shall attempt to go into.

I don't follow ever single aspect to the Beatles. I'm not one of those fans who will argue till they're blue in the face over what Paul had for breakfast back in 1965. An argument complete with supporting evidence that would make even Paul himself wonder if he was alive. So I figured Carnival of Light was on Youtube. I checked it wasn't there so I thought it would be funny if it was added.

My first attempt was a sonic collusion of sorts with out much room to breathe. I thought to myself I was simply trying to hard. I wasn't trying to copy the description I read but rather come up with something else far more mind boggling. I mean I really find it to be anticlimax to sit back and listen to a track and say "Oh there's the Barcelona chant", and oh there's this and that. You might as well swallow a jar of sleeping pills to wake up. So I was striving for something more interesting but at the same time weird or sonic-ally irritating.

What I came up was much better than even I expected. I wanted the track to have many a 1967 Beatles' sound but at the same time sound as if they had found a new drug and went off in another direction. A song that could of, might of been but never was was the emotion I was trying to evoke. All that and more was accomplished.

What else I was trying to accomplish is to infuse a great deal of symbolism. Some of this symbolism is obvious where I paint sonic pictures of beasts or freaks one might find at a carnival. Since this was a carnival of light it could not be literal but instead had to be figurative. Other messages are hidden and I will not reveal them here.

Carnival of Light(my version) had to be be packaged together all nice and tidy. I had no desire to carry on for 13:48 or whatever it was suppose to be. I wanted a digestible piece of music that might make one feel sea sick for a time but for only a spell. Some early Jimi Hendrix songs came to mind along with the works and feelings of Edgar Allen Poe. Many of the early Hendrix songs were nice neat packages full of weirdness. I like that "avant garde pop". Poe felt long stories and worse novels were a waste of time. If you can't spit out the story in a short amount of time you're nothing but a heroin dealer.

So I placed it on Youtube and watched in amazement as it became very popular. Not everyone liked it. There was the loyal royal Beatle guard who were quick to attack. They were quite ready to accept a song they never heard as being better than my "fake song" just because the unreleased Carnival of Light was the Beatles.

I also encountered many a Youtuber who was very open minded and sometimes open mouthed(as they consumed Shrooms and acid to my music)that would say things like "I don't know if this is it but it's incredible" or "I know this is not the real Carnival of Light but it's awesome none the less". I really appreciate these sorts of attitudes and compliments.

Over the course of time numerous others put up their own versions of Carnival of Light. Some were better than others but most were just really bad jokes. Then late last year someone started cutting up my version, mixing it with other songs and calling it "all outfakes mixed in one". This track was distributed across various file sharing platforms under the title Beatles Now and Then Bootleg. Up until about a week ago I had absolutely no idea how widespread this was.

I had not been looking at what was on Youtube for a while now. Then I came across several videos using my track and giving all credits to some Bulgarian with the user name Doregore. Another youtube user TheoneBeatle had the nerve to try and quiz me about my own production! This pimpleheaded 17 year old was going around apologizing to the Bulgarian bastard about reposting "his song". Then I see all these people commenting on these videos and marveling at the sound. Absolutely no credit was given.

I resolved to remove my Carnival of Light video along with all my videos and ask that the content be removed. Their reaction? One youtuber named birdturd405 ignored all requests. TheOneBeatle tried to quiz me about DoreGore. The latter of which proceeded to basically go tell me to F-off. At that point I had no alternative but to have Youtube remove all content.

Now I have begun going after the file sharing sites. A word to the pimple headed teenagers posting that file "all outfakes mixed in one", I'd be very careful. Don't even think for a second you can be clever and rename it. Just imagine how you will be killed by your parents when your internet provider either cancels your service or puts you on SLOWWWWWW.

From the get go I shared my song with the world and the world heard it. Now others couldn't have that and started distributing it and selling it under their own name. Now I have to put a price on it. I have to point out it was my creation. Unfortunate but true.


  1. Please be advised, as requested and to the best of my knowledge, ALL ACTIVE links to your creation previously found on download sites have now been DELETED or REMOVED or are now DEAD.


  2. Please be advised that:

    Nowhere Man Records (NMR) has NEVER NEVER NEVER released or distributed any factory manufactured or home-made discs of any kind in ANY format, including CD or CD-R. PERIOD!

    NMR has NEVER NEVER NEVER profited from any release. PERIOD!

    NMR has NOTHING to do with eBay auctions. PERIOD!

    NMR has NEVER NEVER NEVER been involved directly or indirectly with any individual, company or store claiming to offer Nowhere Man Records original silver disc releases. NMR has NEVER NEVER NEVER manufactured a silver disc for any NMR release and have never seen or heard one. PERIOD!

    Thank you.

  3. I find all this hard to believe or interpret anymore. The ball of yard has been unwound. Nowhere Man Records did get the ball started with their so called CD release. The links to the releases were advertised on Beatle Bootleg forums which are essentially satellite sites for the file sharing people. One should know by now(and from what I gather at least 2 Nowhere men are "of age" considerably) that Beatle fans are notorious bootleggers. Once you throw them a bone they create a dinosaur. They're the same people who CREATE urban legends like a Munchkin hanging himself in the Wizard of Oz.

    I never lead on for too long that my track was the Beatles. Why the answer came after about 3 minutes of listening. Then all one had to do was read my entertaining comment section. It was a nice little piece of entertainment. I met people who actually heard the song. I met others who knew it wasn't the Beatles but could appreciate the effort and used it privately for their own personal psychedelic exploration.

    What was most wrong was the lack of credits given. My video was embedded everywhere including the UK site that ran the original McCartney story that appeared on CNN. If someone missed that one surely one knew Kermit the Frog was not the Beatles. How about all the other songs placed upon that disc(whether virtual or not)? I remember when many of those appeared. I created my COL in response to 2 other people and then they saw how many plays I was getting and they contributed something. All you had to do was look and ask. I'm sure you did look too. You don't just find all these song individually. I know I've scoured the file sharing sites and all I find is "Fakes, Frauds, and Phonies" and the Vulgarian "now and then" mix of several COL versions including mine. I find it EXTREMELY hard to believe you found these songs anywhere but youtube.

    We were all having fun. We weren't hurting anyone. We were offering Carnival of Light when Paul McCartney was still fighting with his 3 spouses. In many ways we collectively made Carnival of Light more known. People heard our projects and did extensive research.
    Thing is with so much file sharing abuse of our interpretations if and when the real COL is released no one will ever want to pay for it. Why because of the lack of proper credits you've accustomed Beatle fans to get their Beatle fix for free.

    In many ways the only reason I released it globally on Itunes and various other sites was just to say hey, this was me not them. You called it "Fakes Frauds and Phonies" but you still called it Beatles for FREE.
